Who We Are
JVS provides assistance to the following underserved populations:
- Adults with physical, emotional, developmental, and social disabilities, including adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Job-seekers who are unemployed, under-employed, or looking to make a career transition, including Adults 50+, recent college graduates, and graduate students
- Immigrants and refugees
- Military veterans
- People who want to obtain a high school equivalency diploma
- People in underserved communities.
Simply, put EVERYTHING WE DO. JVS is Jewish not because of who we serve—but because of WHO WE ARE. Our mission is founded on the Jewish teaching that helping people help themselves is the highest form of tzedakah, or social justice. And, our vision of creating a world where everyone is empowered to fulfill their own potential, regardless of the challenges they may be experiencing, compels us to reach out to “the others” among us, those whom society often ignores.
For more information about who we serve—and the services we provide—please click here.
What We Do
Our services fall into several program areas. We meet with clients to help them determine which services will best help them meet their employment objectives.
Workforce Development
- Pharmacy Technician training programs
- Certified Home Health Aide training programs
- Certified Apartment Maintenance training programs
Vocational Rehabilitation
- Career counseling and job placement assistance
- Comprehensive vocational evaluation services
- School-to-career transition services for people with disabilities
- Career Center for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Job skills training in a variety of industries, including retail, hospitality, and office-based businesses
- Internships and Skill-building Through Service opportunities
- One-on-one job coaching
- Services for the deaf and hard-of-hearing
- Services for military veterans, including case management and support groups
Career Counseling and Job Placement
- Job search coaching and support, including assistance with resume and cover letter writing and interview preparation
- Career and education planning
- Services for Job-seekers 50+
- Services for college students, recent college graduates, and graduate students
- Networking groups and workshops
- Student loans and grants
Education and Literacy
- Classes in English as a Second Language and Adult Basic Education
- Refugee Services
- Citizenship Exam Preparation
Private Career School
- Microsoft Office Specialist classes in Word and Excel
- Customer Service Representative training
- English as a Second Language classes
- Adult Basic Education classes
Corporate Training
- Leadership
- Management
- Human resources
- Lean processes
- Grant procurement
- Professional development
- Microsoft Office
Custom Business Solutions
- Mailing services
- Labeling
- Packaging
- Assembly
- Quality control
For more information about the services we provide, please click here.
Our Impact
How You Can Help
That’s a great question, and the answer is, in a variety of ways. JVS views our impact as a continuum—a series of benchmarks our clients meet as they progress toward achieving their ultimate goal of securing long-term gainful employment:
- For clients in our Vocational Rehabilitation program, that means working to overcome disability-related barriers to employment.
- For immigrants and refugees participating in our Education & Literacy classes, that means learning to communicate in English and acquiring a working understanding of basic skills like reading, writing, and math.
- For job-seekers receiving assistance from our Career Counseling and Job Placement department, that means staying in the game long enough to find the right job once they’ve polished their resumes and mastered skills like cover letter writing and interviewing.
- For our corporate training clients, it means providing them with customized training that can help their businesses measurably reduce costs, optimize efficiencies, maximize profits, or all-of-the-above.
Research shows that economic self-sufficiency not only creates impact for those who achieve it but also for those they provide for. People who are able to adequately support themselves and their loved ones enjoy better physical and mental health, better education, a more stable home life, and greater opportunity—and pass those benefits on to future generations, as well. Consequently, the impact created by JVS not only changes the lives of those we serve—it changes the lives of those they serve, too.
For more information about our impact, please click here.
YES! JVS believes in the value of collaboration; consequently, we offer area businesses and other community-based organizations a myriad of sponsorship opportunities—and a wide range of participation levels:
- Event sponsorships
- Program sponsorships
- Naming opportunities
- Strategic partnerships
- Shared services opportunities